
What is a version?

Causal automatically takes snapshots of your model (or set of linked models) at regular intervals, and you can also manually save a Named Version.

Versions/snapshots are useful for two things:

  1. Comparing different versions of the model/s against one another
  2. Rolling back to older versions if you want to revert a set of changes

To navigate to the Version History window, click on the Version button in the toolbar.

Manually adding a named version

You can manually save Named Versions of your model (or set of linked models). For example, if you finalise a budget, you can save a version called "Budget 2023" and refer back to it later or use it in charts and tables as a comparison against actuals.

To save a Named Version, type in a name in the text box next to New Version and hit Create.

You can also view Named Versions but will not be able to edit anything in it, unless you roll-back.

Rolling back to older versions

You can roll back to a version by hovering over it and clicking the Roll Back button.