Creating charts & tables
This page summarizes the common setting options for both tables and charts, however they each do have their own specific settings to learn about too --> see Tables and Charts respectively for more.
Creating charts
There are a few ways to create a chart in Causal
- Right-clicking a variable in the spreadsheet workspace and clicking Create Chart
- Drag & drop variables onto an existing chart/table from the spreadsheet workspace (when you have the charts side-panel open).
- By right-clicking on a chart, you can duplicate it (or delete it).
Editing charts
You can edit charts
- In the toolbar of the Spreadsheet workspace, by hitting "Charts"
- In the Dashboard workspace
Common setting options across charts
- These can be found either on the chart itself or by hitting the pencil icon
Time Aggregation
This lets you define how the variables are displayed, (and in the case of Tables, summed), across time (e.g. monthly, quarterly, yearly), and toggle between them easily.
See Time Aggregation if you want to change how a variable aggregates into quarters or years (the default setting is sum).
In the case of Tables, you can select multiple at once (e.g. quarterly and yearly).
This lets you define a "filter" on a particular dimension (e.g. dimensions, scenarios, versions), that applies to the whole chart. For example, you might only want to view a single scenario at a time, but be able to switch/toggle between them. You can have multiple filters for different dimensions.
Actuals vs. Forecast
The Last Actual Date setting determines what is shown as an "Actual" in tables and charts. See here for more.
Variable by variable settings
- You can easily add, rename, format, reorder and delete variables in the variables section
- If a variable is broken down by a Dimension, then by default, Causal will keep the breakdown. If you wish to 'aggregate away' the underlying dimension items, you can do so by hitting the dimension icon and unticking the dimension box.
- Show growth rates: displays the period-over-period growth rates at each time step.
Custom start and/or end dates
- By default, the chart will display the entire model date range. However, if you'd like to shorten this, you can select a custom start and/or end date for the chart in the advanced settings.
Enable full-width
- This Display setting enables the chart to be full-width in the Dashboard, and in the Charts workspace.
Show labels
- Display the value for each time step.
Exporting charts
Click the 'download' icon in the top right of the chart to copy or download it as an image. For tables, you also have the option to download the text directly, or as a CSV both of which can be pasted/opened in a spreadsheet.
Settings specific to Tables & Charts
The above summarizes the common setting options for both tables and charts, however they each do have their own nuances. See Tables and Charts respectively.